School careers day video
I made this video one afternoon in 2023 when my daughter's teacher asked parents to come to the school and talk about what they do - or submit a video. I tried to make it entertaining, as well as explaining what I do, as I wasn't sure how long the average 10 year olds' attention span is!
Michael Weiss
In early 2021, having designed a logo for Miami Weiss Aviation Ltd, the owner Michael Weiss asked me to help him produce content for a re-election campaign for a seat on the board of ISTAT - the International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading, the industry body. I created this video for posting on LinkedIn, where it gained around 6,000 views on his page, and over 800 on mine, within two weeks. I also produced and edited a reminder to vote video.
Together in Barnet
I have also created videos for the homeless charity Together in Barnet that I work as a trustee for.  In July 2020 during lockdown we had an online fundraising event featuring Tamsen Courtenay, a bestselling author, talking about homelessness.  I was keen to use the content recorded from the Zoom event, including an interview of the author by Jonathan Freedland (Guardian journalist and author) for marketing purposes for the charity. 
The main challenges were imposing a punchy inclusive structure on a rather long video and dealing with the poor visual quality of the recording. The full Tamsen Courtenay series of eight videos are hosted on the TiB Youtube channel.
I also make content requesting donations that's posted on social media, and in 2021 I created two cartoons explaining how the charity works. They're both on the Together in Barnet page.
In December 2021 I created a set of videos requesting donations or volunteers to run as paid adverts on Facebook / Instagram; I also made a video promoting a joint fundraising event with Homeless Action in Barnet - The Big Barnet Sleep Out.
Reading for Wildlife
One of my favourite projects was for the Reading for Wildlife charity (see the project page) during July 2020, editing over thirty videos of readings from a book by the author and by several celebrities, as well as supporting videos by some celebrities and tourism industry moguls for social media marketing. The videos were uploaded, one a day, during their campaign over August 2020.
This is a product promo video for Federal IronGuard cylinders that I produced, incorporating a 3D model, a logo that I created and shot with a Canon DSLR. The company closed down before I finished it.
 I regularly made slide animations in Photoshop for the website homepage and for trade show stands.
After shooting BTS (Behind The Scenes stills photography) for a independent short film, I made a video of the experience using the photos.
And also...
Al shaved his head for charity... I edited the video!
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